Honey Wagon

Honey Wagon

  • Free delivery to Birmingham
  • Environmentally Conscious: Utilising white water without harmful chemicals and recycling sink water for flushing, our wagons minimise water usage and tank refills compared to standard units.
  • Energy Efficient Design: Powered by solar energy and batteries, our HoneyWagons feature motion sensors that activate LED lights only when in use, reducing power consumption and carbon footprint.
  • Ideal for TV & Film: Crafted in 2023, our HoneyWagons are tailored for TV and film productions, with four individual cubicles providing separate access points for different genders and families (floor plan attached).
  • Hygienic and User-Friendly: Equipped with foot pedal flush handles to minimize cross-contamination risks on set.
  • Compact and Maneuverable: Measuring 10' by 6' feet, our HoneyWagons are easy to manoeuvre with a ball hitch, featuring a galvanized chassis and tank with efficient drainage.


